All posts by Ralph

October 7, 2015 – New Stuff

New on October 7, 2015

Minneapolis is really beautiful in the fall. And much of the rest of the year. The Twin Cities Marathon was on Thursday, and I parked my car on Oakland St, so I could remember where it was parked, in St. Paul near the course to watch the leaders run past at mile 25.

As usual, a big thanks to for making a list each week so we can borrow it, in all it’s imperfections. Click here to see their list.  So NOT being in the store to see, these may or may not be available today…

New #1’s this week:

(The Marvel Onslaught begins in earnest.)

Batman and Robin Eternal, Survivors’ Club, Paper Girls, Axcend, CodenameBaboushka: Conclave of Death, Lara Croft Frozen Omen, Amazing Spider-Man, Contest of Champions, Doctor Strange, MU Guardians of Galaxy, Invincible Iron Man, Dear Vengeance, Saints, All New All Different Point One,  Heroes (TV): Vengeance, Kung Fu Panda, Jughead, 11th Dr Who Year Two, and I skipped a bunch. And then there’s these…

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NOT #1’s, yet new nonetheless:

Star Wars #10, Darth Vader #10, Lando #5, and Journey…Fase #2, Spider Island #5, Old Man Logan #5, Groot #5, Batman Beyond #5, Batmite #5, Omega Man #5, ( I guess there were a lot of #1′ 5 months ago, too!), And THEN there’s one more  and a bunch more.

Here are 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every single comic shown on their site, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and a lot of others], we probably did. But, we may have only gotten 1 or 2, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

Sep 30, it’s my sister’s birthday! So we got new comics!

New on September 30, 2015

Well, I’m leaving town again. But 3 hours later than planned. I missed the check-in cutoff by 25 minutes. TWENTY FIVE MINUTES! Then the airline check-in person didn’t read my ticket carefully told me it’s too late, wait in this line. “Too late for what”, he should have asked. After 8 minutes of not moving, and seeing I had only 20 minutes to check in, I finally got to the bag scale and was told Wrong Airline, Wrong Terminal. I did my best OJ impression (old person reference – sorry everyone under 30) with a Smart Cart and about 90 pounds of cargo. 8 Minutes to 12, and I was told the cutoff time is 45 minutes before takeoff. So IF I had been in the right airline and terminal the first time, they MAY have been able to sneak me on.

So instead of a nice 8pm touchdown at MSP, it’s now 11:56. Lovely.

Not why you came here, though. As always, big thanks to for making a list each week so we can borrow it, in spite of less than perfect accuracy. Click here to see their list.  So NOT being in the store to see, these may or may not be available today…

New #1’s this week:

Colder Toss the Bones (?!), From Under Mountains, Blood Thirsty, Straitjacket, Henchgirl,10th Dr Who Year Two, and 11th Dr Who Yr 2!, Book of Death Fall of Harbinger. And it’s DC Annuals Week: Green Arrow 1, New Suicide Squad 1, Batman Arkham Knight 1,  Batman 4, Grayson 2, Green Lantern 4,  And then there’s these…

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NOT #1’s – NOT DC Annuals:

And THEN there’s one more 12th Dr Who 12, Archie 3, Spawn, Savage Dragon (we’re partying like it’s 1993!), Uncle Scrooge, Zombies vs Aliens, Transformers, and a bunch more.

Here are 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every single comic shown on their site, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and a lot of others], we probably did. But, we may have only gotten 1 or 2, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we, ahem, borrow is not always accurate and sometimes predicts an arrival early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  several variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.

New on September 23, 2015

New on September 23, 2015

It’s either 3 times is the charm, or 3 times is a trend, or something, and I find myself here again on Wednesday setting this page up. Yay!

Thank you to for making a list each week so we can borrow it, in spite of numerous errors. Click here to see theirs.

New #1’s this week:

Think Tank, Power Cubed, Wilds End Enemy Within,  and maybe a few more. And then there’s these…

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Not #1’s:

And THEN there’s Astro City #27, Captain Marvel and  Carol Corps #4, Deadpool vs Thanos #2, Elfquest Final Quest #11, Fight Club 2 #5, Fury SHIELD 50th Anniv #1, Harley Quinn & Power Girl #4,  Star Wars Kanan #6, Over the Garden Wall #2, Transformers Windblade #7, Weirdworld, #4, Wolf #3, Years of Future Past #5.

And here are 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every single one, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and most of the rest], we probably did. But, we may have only 1 or 2 of some of some, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we, ahem, borrow is not always accurate and sometimes predicts an arrival early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  several variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.

Fresh new comics on September 16, 2015

New Releases on September 16, 2015

Following up on last week’s precedent, I ended up waiting until Wednesday to do this, so there should be less errors than usual, since the comics are actually here.

Thanks to for making a list each week so we can borrow it, in spite of numerous errors. Click here to see the original.

New #1’s this week:

Tokyo Ghost, Captain America White, Paybacks, D4ve2, Agent Carter SHIELD 50th Anniversary, Voltron From the Ashes, and maybe a few more. And then there’s these…

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Not #1’s:

And THEN there’s Star Wars #9, Lando #4 , Invader Zim #3, Lady Mechanika, Tablet of Destinies #5, Escape #10, Star Trek Ongoing #49, and the 21st Simpsons Treehouse of Horror, which brings to mind 2 thoughts: 1) wow, time flies, 20 years + of great, funny, engaging, fun, comics for the whole family, depending on the family, of course, and 2) IT’S SEPTEMBER 16TH BONGO! This is a full MONTH early. We’re not supposed to laugh at creative, scary stories for at least another month. This is not every Walgreens, Walmart, Target, and grocery in the nation that insists on pushing huge, scary bags of sugar onto our cart the day after Labor Day. Like we NEED to reminded that we LOVE Snickers Bite-Sized!


And here are 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every single one, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and most of the rest], we probably did. But, we may have only 1 or 2 of some of some, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we, ahem, borrow is not always accurate and sometimes predicts an arrival early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  several variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.

New Comics for September 9, 2015

New Releases on September 9, 2015

Well, there is some advantage to waiting until Wednesday to do this. Hopefully there are less errors than usual, since the comics are actually here as I write this!

Kudos to for making this list each week so we can borrow it, in spite of numerous errors. Click here to see the original.

New #’1’s this week:

Faster Than Light, Head Lopper, Star Wars Shattered Empire -Journey to Force Awakens, Super Angry Birds, and maybe a few more. And then there’s these…

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And THEN , Darth Vader, Fuse, Starve, Walking Dead, Outcry, Dr Who 12th, Little Giant Size AV vs X that I promised last week, Godzilla Hell which appears to have been drawn by Basil Wolverton, Quake – SHIELD 50th anniversary, Planet Hulk, Rebels, Civil War, Batman, Pony, Mrs. Deadpool, Deadly Class, and Amazing Spider-Man Renew your Vows #5, the last, with lots of variants because

And 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every single one, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and most of the rest], we probably did. But, we may have only 1 or 2 of some of some, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we, ahem, borrow is not always accurate and sometimes predicts an arrival early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  several variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.

Sep 6, 7 Labor Day 2015 Sale and Sidewalk Blowout

Sunday and Monday, September 6 & 7, 201511am-6pm

Fantasy Books and Games, 2247 1st St, Livermore


Surprise! We’re having a sale this weekend! I KNOW! Whooda thunk? Unlike every other Labor Day for the last decade or 3, this Sunday and Monday we’ll be open, and I mean exploded-onto-the-sidewalk open, from 11-6 both days. We’re serious about cleaning out the store and warehouse and are going to go the whole 9 yards (anyone know what happened to the 10th yard?) to make this a Win-Win-Win-…(repeat for everyone who shows up) situation. Read on for more details, deals, and disclaimers.


We’ll spend the next few days digging through the warehouse and bringing stuff over to hide in the Tardis in the back of the store until Sunday morning, when we’ll set up 9 tables on the sidewalk and fill them up with oodles of toys, action figures, Anime DVD’s and even VHS tapes!


These pictures are from past sales, and you won’t necessarily see the exact same items this weekend, BUT, even better, there will be a boat-load of stuff that has never “seen the sidewalk” or the light of day for a long time or whatever metaphor you want to use! Be here at 11am Sunday and clean us out!

Category Discounts

10% off “New” comics (last week up to years old, unbagged, cover price)
10% off boxes of card packs already marked down from pack price
20% off single packs of said cards: sports, non-sports, MTG, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and other games
20% off “old”comics from our back issue bins (including  5,000+ $1 comics!)
20% off graphic novels, Japanese manga, T-Shirts and caps
20% off statues and most action figures & toys, except…
25% off Walking Dead action figures & Pops, Reaction (Brand) AF’s
20% off the rest of the inside store – And we might think of  even more specials to announce!

Even bigger discounts outside on selected merchandise! AND If we move enough on Sunday, we’ll go get more NEW old stuff for Monday! So show up and help us help you fill your basement!

Street parking plus here are the parking lots nearby marked “P” .Downtown Livermore Parking lots near Fantasy Books and Games


New Comics on September 2, 2015

New Releases on September 2, 2015

Well, I got back late Monday night, back to work Tuesday morning, and forgot to do this until I came in today!

Kudos to for making this list each week so we can borrow it. Click here to see the original.

New #’1’s this week:

Plutona, Journey Star Wars Fase, Deadpool Vs Thanos, Dark Tower…, Figment 2, Miracleman by…, Mockingbird Shiled 50th Anniv, Third Witch, Aliens Vampirella, JImbo Jones (did I list that last week?), and maybe a few more. And then there’s these…

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And THEN , and tons of others!

And 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every single one, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and most of the rest], we probably did. But, we may have only 1 or 2 of some of some, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we, ahem, borrow is not always accurate and sometimes predicts an arrival early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  several variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.

New Comics for August 26, 2015

New Releases on August 26, 2015

Look at how early this is!  The following is a sample of what you might find when you come in tomorrow, on Wednesday  this week.

Kudos to for making this list each week so we can borrow it. Click here to see the original.

New #’1’s this week:

Image Giant Sized Artists Proof Cover Walking Dead #1, Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #1,  New Mgmt #1, Zodiac Starforce #1, Harley Quinn Road Trip Special #1, Drive #1, Sherlock Holmes 7 Per-cent Solution #1, Ant-man Last Days #1, Hank Johnson Agent Of Hydra #1, Over The Garden Wall #1, Public Relations #1, Giantess Comics #1, Steampunk Sherlock Case Files Five Napoleons #1, Steam Wars Bounty Hunters (oneshot) #1, Jimbo Jones #1, Stringers #1, Rocket Queen And The Wrench #1, Book Of Death Fall Of Ninjak #1, and maybe a few more. And then there’s these…

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And THEN there is Lady Mechanika #0, Captain Canuck 2015 Ongoing #4, Stan Lee Chakra The Invincible #2, Doctor Who 2015 Four Doctors #3, Dead Drop #4, Cyborg, Flash, Justice League 3001, Low, Outcast, Rocket Girl, House of M, Shield, Spawn, Tomorrows, Conan, Hellboy, Hellgirl, Transformers RID Animated, Tranformers G.I. Joe, Lumberjanes, and tons of others!

And 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every single one, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and most of the rest], we probably did. But, we may have only 1 or 2 of some of some, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we, ahem, borrow is not always accurate and sometimes predicts an arrival early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  several variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.

New Releases on August 19, 2015

New Releases on August 19, 2015

Okay, back on track, on time. More or less. The following is a small selection of what you should be seeing when you come in on Wednesday (or beyond) this week.

Thanks to for issuing this list each week so we can swipe it. Click here to see their  list.

Okay, I keep getting more ambitious – 24 cool covers this week!

New #’1’s: House of M, New Mgmt, Drive, TMNT Amazing Adventures, Secret Wars Secret Love, Welcome Back, Fedor,  Yankee,  and probably a few more I missed.

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The other possible numbers include…  it’s  “Wonder Woman Week” (3 titles), Ms. Marvel, Siege, Harley Quinn & Power Girl, Silk, Buffy Season 10, 1602 Witch Hunter, Star Wars, Darth Vader and Kanan Last Padawan, and dozens of others!  Plus these 12 more covers …

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(We don’t always order every darn one, but if it’s a DC,  Marvel,or Image [and most of the rest], we probably do. But, we may have only 1 or 2 of some of some, so we could easily sell out. If you are driving in from far away, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we, ahem, borrow is not always accurate and sometimes predicts an arrival early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  many variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.

New Releases on August 12, 2015

New Releases on August 12, 2015

Crap! Two weeks in a row before midnight is apparently all I can do! The following is a small selection of what you already saw on the shelves when you already came in on Wednesday, or WILL see on  Thursday! :-}

Thanks to for issuing this list each week so we can swipe it. Click here to see their  list.

Here are 16 cool covers this week!

New #’1’s: DC Comics Bombshells, JLA Gods & Monsters Beauty, Phonogram, King Tiger, Adam.3, Boy-1, String Divers, Artemis IX, Apollo IX, Hank Johnson Agent of Hydra, Sleepy Hollow Providence, Americatown, Archon, First Hero, Yankee,  and probably more a few I missed.

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But there’s more.  Mortal Kombat X, Starfire, Section 8, Green Arrow,  just plain Arrow, Inhumans Attilan Rising, Civil War, Years of Future Past, Kanan Last Padawan, Secret Wars, Godzilla in Hell, 2 Transformers, Escape from NY, Invader Zim and 3 Doctor Who’s. Whew!  Plus these 8 more…

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(We don’t always order everything, but if it’s aDC,  Marvel,or Image [and most of the others], we probably did. But, we may have only ordered 1 or 2 of some of the titles, so we could sell out. If you are driving in far, call first.)

I’ve noticed the information we borrow is not always right and sometimes predicts an occasional arrival a early or late.  And  sometimes chooses one of  many variants to show and we may or may not get the one they show, or it may be higher than cover price.